Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Get WooCommerce Order Data?

How Do I Get WooCommerce Order Data?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 3:26 pm

WooCommerce is a powerful eCommerce plugin that helps you sell anything online. A big part of what makes WooCommerce so powerful is the vast amount of data it can collect about your orders. This data can be used to help you make better business decisions, track inventory, and more.

Getting order data from WooCommerce is simple. In your WordPress admin panel, go to WooCommerce > Orders.

Here you’ll see a list of all the orders placed on your site. By default, this list is sorted by the date the order was placed, but you can also sort it by other criteria such as order total, customer name, and more.

To view more details about an order, simply click on it. This will take you to the order detail page where you can see information such as the customer’s shipping address, billing address, email address, phone number, and more. You can also view a list of all the items included in the order, the order total, and any notes left by the customer.

If you need to export your WooCommerce order data, you can do so from the Orders page as well. Simply select the orders you want to export and then click the “Export” button at the top of the page. You’ll be able to choose which format you want to export your data in (CSV or XML) and then download the file to your computer.

WooCommerce provides a lot of data that can be useful for businesses.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the WooCommerce Order Data article contains information about how to retrieve order data from the WooCommerce database. This information is intended for developers and should not be used by non-technical users. Use of this information without proper understanding can result in data loss or corruption.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.