Web Development » Fiverr » How Do I Give a Skill Test on Fiverr?

How Do I Give a Skill Test on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:15 pm

There are a few different ways that you can give a skill test on Fiverr. You can either use the Fiverr platform to create a custom test, or you can use a third-party tool like TestLodge.com.

If you want to use the Fiverr platform, you’ll need to create a gig that offers a skill test. To do this, go to the “Create a New Gig” page and select the “I offer a service” option. Then, choose the “Service” option and select “Skill Test” from the list of options.

Once you’ve created your gig, you can start inviting buyers to take your test. To do this, go to the “My Gigs” page and click on the “Invite Buyers” button for your gig.

PRO TIP: If you are considering giving a skill test on Fiverr, be aware that there are some risks involved. First of all, the quality of the test itself may be questionable. Secondly, you may not be able to accurately assess the skill level of the person taking the test. Finally, if you are not careful, you could end up paying for a test that is not actually useful.

Then, enter the buyer’s username into the “Invite Buyers” field and click on the “Send Invites” button. The buyer will then receive an email notification about your gig and will be able to take your test.

If you want to use a third-party tool like TestLodge, you’ll first need to create an account and then add your buyers as users. Once you’ve done this, you can create tests and assign them to your buyers. The buyer will then be able to login and take the test at their convenience.

Overall, giving a skill test on Fiverr is a pretty straightforward process. Whether you use the Fiverr platform or a third-party tool, you’ll just need to create a gig or account, add your buyers as users, and then create tests that they can take.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.