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How Do I Import Brushes Into Photoshop Clip Studio?

Last updated on February 27, 2023 @ 7:07 am

Clip Studio Paint offers a wide variety of features for digital painting, including a large selection of importable brushes. You can import Photoshop brushes into Clip Studio Paint in several ways:

One way to import Photoshop brushes into Clip Studio Paint is to simply copy the files from your Photoshop installation directory into the corresponding directory in Clip Studio Paint. For example, on a Windows machine, the default location for Photoshop brushes is C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019\Presets\Brushes.

In your Computer, go to Adobe Photoshop local files and find the presets brushes

You would then navigate to the corresponding directory in Clip Studio Paint, which is, C:\Program Files\CELSYS\CLIP STUDIO 1.8\resources\brush, and paste the files there.

In your computer, go to Clip Studio Paint local files and find the brush presets folder and paste the PSD brushes there

Another way to import Photoshop brushes into Clip Studio Paint is to use the File > Import > Brushes menu item. This will bring up a file browser window, from which you can navigate to the location of your Photoshop brushes. Once you’ve selected the desired brushes, click Open, and they will be imported into Clip Studio Paint. Or simply open the file folder of your brushes and drag the brush preset to Clip Studio Sub Tool.

Import your Photoshop brushes to Clip Studio Paint

Once you’ve imported your Photoshop brushes into Clip Studio Paint, you can use them just like any other brush. Simply select the brush you want to use from the Brushes palette, and then use it like you would any other brush. You can also modify imported Photoshop brushes using the various settings in the Brushes palette, such as size, opacity, and flow.

Customize your PSD brushes in Clip Studio Paint


Importing Photoshop brushes into Clip Studio Paint is a simple process that can be done in several ways. Whether you copy the files directly into Clip Studio Paint’s brush directory or use the File > Import > Brushes menu item, you’ll be able to use your Photoshop brushes just like any other brush in Clip Studio Paint.

PRO TIP: When importing brushes into Photoshop Clip Studio, be sure to select the correct file format. Otherwise, the brush may not be compatible with your version of Photoshop.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.