Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Import Bulk Variable Products in WooCommerce?

How Do I Import Bulk Variable Products in WooCommerce?

Last updated on January 11, 2023 @ 2:17 pm

It is no secret that WooCommerce is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms on the planet. It is used by millions of online businesses of all sizes, from small mom and pop shops to large multinational corporations.

One of the reasons for its popularity is its flexibility; WooCommerce can be customized to suit the needs of just about any type of online business.

Another reason for WooCommerce’s popularity is its ease of use. Setting up a WooCommerce store is relatively straightforward, and managing it on a day-to-day basis is also relatively easy.

However, there are some aspects of WooCommerce that can be a bit tricky to figure out, especially for those who are new to eCommerce. One such aspect is importing products into WooCommerce.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to import a large number of variable products into WooCommerce, it is important to be aware of the potential risks involved.

There is a chance that your server could time out when trying to import a large number of products, which could result in incomplete data being imported. In addition, if your WooCommerce site is not configured properly, it is possible that importing a large number of products could overload your server and cause your site to crash.

Therefore, it is recommended that you take the following precautions when importing bulk variable products into WooCommerce:

– Use a reliable hosting provider with good server resources

– Make sure your WooCommerce site is configured properly and can handle a large number of products

– Backup your WooCommerce site before starting the import process

If you are running an online store that sells physical products, chances are you will need to import products into WooCommerce at some point. This could be when you first set up your store and are adding products manually, or it could be later on down the line when you are adding products in bulk. In either case, importing products into WooCommerce is not as difficult as it might seem at first.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to import bulk variable products into WooCommerce:

1. Install the Product CSV Import Suite

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Product CSV Import Suite plugin. For more information on how to do this, please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

2. Prepare Your CSV File

Once the plugin has been installed and activated, you need to prepare your CSV file. This file will contain all the data for the products you want to import into WooCommerce. You can either create this file yourself or use a tool like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to create it.

3. Import Your Products

Now that you have your CSV file ready, it’s time to import your products into WooCommerce. To do this, go to Products > Import in your WordPress admin area.

On the next screen, select your CSV file from your computer and click the Upload file and import button.

4. Map Your Fields

On the next screen, you will need to map your CSV fields to the corresponding product fields in WooCommerce. This simply means telling WooCommerce which data in your CSV file corresponds to which product fields. For example, the field “Product Name” in your CSV file would map to the “Name” field in Woo Commerce. Once you have mapped all the fields, click the Proceed button.

5. Import Your Products

On the final screen, you will see a preview of all the products that will be imported into WooCommerce. If everything looks good, click the Import button and your products will be imported into WooCommerce.


Importing bulk variable products into WooCommerce is a relatively simple process, but it can be daunting for those who are new to ecommerce. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can import your products into WooCommerce quickly and easily.</p

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.