Website Building » Joomla » How do I install VirtueMart in Joomla 3?

How do I install VirtueMart in Joomla 3?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 7:14 am

VirtueMart is the perfect ecommerce solution for Joomla 3. It has a user-friendly interface and is packed with features to make your online shop thriving. To install VirtueMart, follow these simple steps:

1. Upload the VirtueMart files to your Joomla site.

2. Install the VirtueMart plugin.

3. Configure VirtueMart settings.

4. Add products to your shop.

5. Profit!

Now that you have VirtueMart installed, it’s time to get started. The first thing you’ll want to do is upload the VirtueMart files to your Joomla site.

You can do this by clicking on the “File” tab in your Joomla admin area and then selecting “Upload Files.” You’ll then be prompted to select the VirtueMart files you want to upload.

Once the VirtueMart files have been uploaded, you’ll need to install the VirtueMart plugin. To do this, click on the “Plugins” tab in your Joomla admin area and then select “Install plugin.

” You’ll then be prompted to select the VirtueMart plugin file.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Joomla or VirtueMart, we recommend that you seek help from a qualified web developer before proceeding. Installing VirtueMart can be complex and time-consuming, and if done incorrectly, can result in a broken website.

Once the VirtueMart plugin has been installed, you’ll need to configure VirtueMart settings. To do this, click on the “Configure” tab in your Joomla admin area and then select “VirtueMart.

” You’ll then be prompted to enter your VirtueMart login details. Once you have logged in, you’ll be able to configure the settings for your shop.

Now that you have configured VirtueMart, it’s time to add products to your shop. To do this, click on the “Products” tab in your Joomla admin area and then select “Add product.

” You’ll then be prompted to enter the details of your product. You can enter the product details in the “Product Information” tab or in the “Product Images” tab.

Once you have entered the product details, you’ll need to add the product to your shop’s “Shopping Cart.” To do this, click on the “Shopping Cart” tab in your Joomla admin area and then select “Add product to shopping cart.

” You’ll then be prompted to enter the product’s details again. You can also add a product to your shopping cart by clicking on the “Add to Cart” button on the product’s details page.

Now that you have added the product to your shop, it’s time to profit! Click on the “Profit” tab in your Joomla admin area and then select “View profit.” You’ll then be able to view your shop’s profit and loss statistics.

You can also click on the “Statistics” tab to view more detailed information about your shop’s performance.


Installing VirtueMart in Joomla 3 is a simple process that will help you create an online shop that is packed with features. Thanks for reading!.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.