Website Building » BigCommerce » How do I make a BigCommerce app?

How do I make a BigCommerce app?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:38 am

The process of making a BigCommerce app is not difficult, but there are a few prerequisite steps that must be taken in order to get started. First, a BigCommerce account must be established. After that, a developer account must be created and linked to the account. Once that is completed, the next step is to create a project and add the required components. The project can be created in any programming language, but a popular option is to use a web development framework like Ruby on Rails.

PRO TIP: BigCommerce apps are created using the BigCommerce App Store. To create a BigCommerce app, you will need to have a BigCommerce account and be logged in. Once you are logged in, you can click on the “Create App” button. This will take you to the App Store where you can select the type of app you want to create.

Once the project is created, the next step is to add the BigCommerce API. This can be done by visiting the developer portal and searching for the appropriate documentation. Once the API is added, the final step is to create the app. This can be done by using a web development framework like Ruby on Rails and the BigCommerce provided templating system.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.