Web Design » Illustrator » How do I make a brochure in Illustrator?

How do I make a brochure in Illustrator?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 6:42 pm

In this article, we will show you how to make a brochure in Illustrator. First, we will create a new document, in Illustrator. We will set the size to A4, and the resolution to 300 dpi. We will choose the File > New > Document option. We will name the document Brochure. We will then go to the toolbar and choose the Shape tool. We will click on the New button and select the Object option. We will then select the Rectangle tool. We will click on the New button again and select the Object option. We will select the Text tool. We will type “Brochure” in the text box and then press the Enter key. We will then click on the OK button. We will then go to the toolbar and choose the Path tool. We will select the Path option. We will click on the Edit Path button. We will then click on the Add Path button. We will then select the Brochure shape. We will then go to the toolbar and choose the Line tool. We will select the Line option. We will then go to the toolbar and choose the Rectangle tool. We will select the Rectangle option. We will then go to the toolbar and choose the Ellipse tool. We will select the Ellipse option. We will then go to the toolbar and choose the Text tool. We will select the Text option. We will type “Printed in the USA” in the text box and then press the Enter key.

PRO TIP: When creating a brochure in Illustrator, be sure to use only the CMYK color mode. Using RGB or any other color mode will result in the colors printing incorrectly.

We will then go to the toolbar and choose the Group tool. We will select the Group option. We will then click on the Edit Group button. We will then click on the Add Group button. We will then go to the toolbar and choose the Draw tool. We will select the Draw option. We will then click on the Edit Path button. We will then go to the toolbar and choose the Pencil tool. We will select the Pencil option. We will then go to the toolbar and choose the Eraser tool. We will select the Eraser option. We will type “Printed on high quality paper” in the text box and then press the Enter key. We will then go to the toolbar and choose the Object option. We will select the Object option. We will then go to the Options bar and select the Stroke option. We will select the 2px Stroke option. We will select the 1px Stroke option. We will then go to the Options bar and select the.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.