Web Design » Figma » How Do I Make a Group a Frame in Figma?

How Do I Make a Group a Frame in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:40 am

There are a few different ways to make a group a frame in Figma. The first way is to simply select the group of objects that you want to make into a frame, and then click the “Create Frame” button in the toolbar. This will create a new frame that includes all of the selected objects.

Another way to create a frame from a group is to select the group, and then choose “Create Frame” from the right-click menu. This will also create a new frame that includes all of the selected objects.

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, you could end up with a lot of extra frames on your page. Make sure to delete the unwanted frames afterwards.

One more way to create a frame from a group is to select the group, and then click the “New Frame” button in the toolbar. This will create a new frame that includes only the selected objects.

Once you have created a frame from a group, you can move or resize it just like any other frame. You can also add new objects to it, or delete objects from it. To do this, simply select the frame and then use the “Add Objects” or “Delete Objects” buttons in the toolbar.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.