Website Building » Wix » How Do I Make a Link Clickable on Wix?

How Do I Make a Link Clickable on Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:45 am

The process for making a link clickable on Wix is actually quite simple and only requires a few steps. First, you will need to create a text box on your Wix page.

Then, you will need to insert the URL of the page that you want to link to in the text box. Finally, you will need to add a hyperlink to the text box.


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To create a text box on your Wix page, simply click on the “Add” button and then select “Text Box” from the drop-down menu.

Once you have inserted the URL of the page that you want to link to, simply highlight the URL and click on the “Insert” button.

Finally, to make the link clickable, simply click on the “Hyperlink” button and then select “Make this link open in a new window.”

PRO TIP: When creating links on Wix, be aware that not all links are clickable by default. To make a link clickable, you will need to use the hyperlink tool. This can be found in the Wix Editor under the “Add” tab.

When using the hyperlink tool, you can link to an external website, a page on your own website, or an email address. Be sure to enter the correct URL for the link you want to create. If you are unsure whether or not a link is clickable, test it by previewing your site.

Making a link clickable on Wix is a simple process that only requires a few steps. By creating a text box and inserting the URL of the page you want to link to, you can easily add a hyperlink to make the link clickable.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.