There are a few different ways to make a wavy line in Photoshop.
1. One way is to use the Curvature Pen Tool.
With the Curvature Pen Tool selected, click and drag to create a curved line.

To make the line wavier, click more points along the path as you drag. You can also use the Curvature Pen Tool to trace an existing wavy line, like the one shown below.

2. Another way to make a wavy line is to use the Wave Filter.
First, draw a straight line using the Brush tool or any other tool.

Then go to Filter > Distort > Wave in the top menu.

In the Wave Filter window, enter your desired settings. The higher the Number of Generators value, the more wavy the line will be. Once done, click on the “OK” button.
NOTE: The Wave Distort Filter allows you to apply a wavy or rippled effect on an object.

The line you drew will then be turned into a wavy line.

3. You can also create a wavy line by using the Forward Warp Tool.
To do this, first, create your line using the Brush tool or any other tool. Then, go to the Filter menu and select the “Liquify” option.
NOTE: The Liquify Filter allows you to distort and manipulate the pixels of an object, making it perfect for creating wavy lines. You can use the Liquify Filter to push, pull, rotate, reflect, and distort parts of an object using tools like the Forward Warp Tool which will be used in this example.

In the Liquify Filter window, select the “Forward Warp Tool” from the side toolbar, then click and drag on your image to create a wavy line.
NOTE: The Forward Warp Tool allows you to push and pull pixels in an object to create various distortions. In effect, it can also be used to create wavy lines.

Once you’ve created your wavy line, you can style it however you like using Photoshop’s various tools and effects. For example, you could give it a color fill, stroke, or apply a gradient to it.

PRO TIP: This article contains information about how to make a wavy line in Photoshop. It is also important to note that the techniques discussed can be used with a variety of tools such as the Pen tool, Pencil tool, Brush tool, and many others. Experiment with the methods enumerated in this tutorial to see what best fits your needs.
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