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How Do I Make an Inner Shadow in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:31 pm

Inner shadows are a great way to add depth and dimension to your text in Photoshop. There are a few different ways to create inner shadows, but we’ll focus on two of the most popular methods: using the Inner Shadow layer style, and using the Drop Shadow layer style.

To create an inner shadow using the Inner Shadow layer style, first select the layer that you want to add the effect to. Then, click on the “Add Layer Style” button at the bottom of the Layers panel and select “Inner Shadow” from the list of layer styles.

In the Inner Shadow options dialog box, you can adjust the Angle, Distance, Choke, and Size of the shadow. The Angle determines the direction of the shadow, with 0 degrees being directly to the right of the text.

The Distance determines how far away from the text the shadow will be cast. The Choke determines how much of the shadow will be visible inside the letters themselves. And finally, Size determines how big or small the shadow will be.

Once you’ve adjusted all of your settings, click “OK” to apply the effect.

To create an inner shadow using the Drop Shadow layer style, first select the layer that you want to add the effect to. Then, click on the “Add Layer Style” button at the bottom of the Layers panel and select “Drop Shadow” from list of layer styles.

In Drop Shadow options dialog box, you can adjust all of same settings as before: Angle, Distance, Choke, and Size. Again, Angle determines direction of shadow with 0 degrees being directly to right of text; Distance determines how far away from text shadow will be cast; Choke determines how much of shadow will be visible inside letters themselves; and Size determines how big or small shadow will be.

The main difference between creating an inner shadow using a Drop Shadow layer style versus an Inner Shadow layer style is that with a Drop Shadow layer style, you also have control over whether or notthe shadow is cast on a new layer. If you check “Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow” option then new layer will be created underneath original one with only drop shadow visible on it.

This is useful if you want to apply different effects to each layer without affecting drop shadow itself. If you leave this option unchecked then drop shadow will be cast on same layer as original content and both will be affected by any other effects you apply.

How Do I Make an Inner Shadow in Photoshop?

There are two popular methods for creating inner shadows in Photoshop: using the Inner Shadow layer style, and using the Drop Shadow layer style.

To create an inner shadow using the Inner Shadow layer style, first select the layer that you want to add the effect to. Then, click on “Add Layer Style” button at bottom of Layers panel and select “Inner Shadow” from list of layer styles.

In the Inner Shadow options dialog box, you can adjust the Angle, Distance, Choke, and Size ofshadow.

The Angle determines direction ofshadow, with 0 degrees being directly to rightoftext. The Distancedetermineshow faraway fromtextshadowwill becast .The Chokedetermineshow muchofshadowwill be visible inside letters themselves .And finally ,Sizedetermineshow bigor smallshadowwill be .

How Do I Make an Inner Shadow in Photoshop?

There are two popular methods for creating inner shadows in Photoshop: using the InnerShadowlayerstyle,andusingtheDropShadowlayerstyle.


PRO TIP: Inner shadows in Photoshop can be created using the “Inner Shadow” layer style. This layer style is located in the “Layer Styles” dialog box, which can be accessed by double-clicking on a layer in the Layers panel. When using the “Inner Shadow” layer style, it is important to be aware of the following:

– The “Inner Shadow” layer style will only affect the layer that it is applied to. Any layers beneath it will not be affected.

– The “Inner Shadow” layer style can create some unwanted artifacts if not used carefully. Be sure to experiment with the various settings (such as distance, choke, size, etc.) to get the desired result.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.