Web Design » InVision » How do I make an InVision UI design?

How do I make an InVision UI design?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 8:59 pm

InVision is an incredible tool for designing user interfaces. It has a very intuitive interface, and allows for a lot of flexibility and creativity. Here are some tips for making an InVision UI design:

1. Start with a rough concept.

InVision is great for prototyping ideas quickly, so start with a rough concept rather than trying to create a detailed design from the beginning. This will help you to be more flexible and save time later on.

2. Use InVision’s vector tools.

InVision’s vector tools are great for creating high-quality designs quickly. You can use them to create logos, illustrations, and more.

3. Use InVision’s color palette.

InVision’s color palette is great for creating intuitive designs. You can use it to add color to your designs, or to differentiate between different elements.

4. Use InVision’s layers.

Layers are great for organizing your designs. You can use them to group elements together, or to create modular designs.

5. Use InVision’s constraints.

Constraints are great for restricting the movement of elements in your designs. This can help to keep your designs clean and organized.

6. Use InVision’s animations.

Animations are a great way to add a bit of pizzazz to your designs. You can use them to create smooth transitions between different elements, or to create effects like movement.

PRO TIP: InVision is a powerful tool for creating interactive prototypes of digital products, but it can be tricky to learn how to use it effectively. This article will give you some tips on how to create an InVision UI design that looks great and works well.

7. Use InVision’s export capabilities.

InVision has great export capabilities, which will let you export your designs to a variety of formats. This includes PDFs, HTML, and even vector files.

8. Use InVision’s collaboration features.

InVision’s collaboration features are great for teaming up with other designers. You can share your designs with other team members, and track changes together.

9. Use InVision’s prototyping features.

Prototyping is a great way to test out your designs before you move on to the next step. You can use InVision’s prototyping features to create dummy versions of your designs, or to test the feasibility of your ideas.

10. Use InVision’s reporting features.

InVision has great reporting features, which will let you track your progress and make changes as needed. This is a great way to stay organized and track your progress.


InVision is an invaluable tool for designing user interfaces.

These tips will help you to create high-quality InVision UI designs quickly and efficiently.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.