Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Make Hair Strands in Photoshop?

How Do I Make Hair Strands in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 12:28 am

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to create individual hair strands in Photoshop, and then how to style them using different brushes, colors, and effects. We’ll also learn how to add a realistic scalp, and how to blend the hair into the scalp for a natural look.

First, let’s create a new Photoshop document. I’ll be using an 8×10 inch canvas for this tutorial, but you can use whatever size you like. Once you have your document open, create a new layer by clicking the “Create a new layer” icon at the bottom of the Layers panel:

Now we need to select a brush. I’m going to be using a soft round brush for this tutorial, but you can use whatever brush you like. Just make sure it’s a fairly small brush so that we can get some nice detail in our hair strands.

Once you have your brush selected, use the color picker to choose a dark color for your hair. I’m using black, but you can use any dark color you like. Now click once on your canvas to add a single hair strand:

Now we need to add some variation to our hair strand. To do this, we’ll use the Brush tool’s “randomize” setting.

Go up to the Options Bar at the top of the screen and set the “Mode” drop-down menu to “Normal”. Then click on the word “Brush” in the Options Bar and make sure that “Shape Dynamics” is checked:

With “Shape Dynamics” checked, find the “Scattering” option and drag the slider towards the right until you have a value of around 500%:

Now click on your canvas several times with your mouse to add more random hair strands:

Next we need to give our hair some volume. To do this, go up to the Filter menu at the top of the screen and choose Blur > Gaussian Blur:

This will bring up the Gaussian Blur dialog box. Enter a Radius value of 2 pixels and click OK:

Your image should now look something like this:

To style our hair strands, we’ll be using Photoshop’s built-in brushes. Go up to the Window menu at the top of the screen and choose Brushes from the list:

This will open up the Brushes panel on the right side of your screen (if it’s not already open). At the top of the Brushes panel, make sure that both “Brush Tip Shape” and “Shape Dynamics” are checked:

How Do I Make Hair Strands in Photoshop? In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to create individual hair strands in Photoshop, and then how to style them using different brushes, colors, and effects. We’ll also learn how to add a realistic scalp, and how to blend the hair into the scalp for a natural look.

PRO TIP: This tutorial is outdated and no longer works in Photoshop CC. Use at your own risk!
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.