Website Building » Elementor » How do I make my theme Elementor compatible?

How do I make my theme Elementor compatible?

Last updated on December 20, 2022 @ 12:17 pm

Adding a Theme Elementor compatible plugin is easy. Simply go to the Theme Elementor plugin directory and find the plugin you want to use.

Once you’ve located the plugin, click on the “Download” button. Once the plugin has downloaded, open the plugin in your WordPress plugin directory. Find the “Elementor” folder and click on the “ Elementor ” folder. Once you’ve located the “Elementor” folder, click on the “config.php” file.

Within the “Elementor” folder, locate the “options” file. Within the “options” file, locate the “theme_Elementor” section. Within the “theme_Elementor” section, you’ll need to add the following information:

1. The plugin’s name: “Elementor”.

2. The plugin’s URL:

3. The plugin’s version: 2.5.2.

4. The plugin’s author: Theme Elementor

5. The plugin’s description: Adds support for Theme Elementor to your WordPress site.

6. The plugin’s screenshot:

Once you’ve added the information, save the file and then activate the plugin by going to the “Plugins” menu in WordPress, clicking on the “Activate” button next to the “Elementor” plugin, and then entering your WordPress site’s admin username and password. Once the plugin is activated, your Theme Elementor compatible theme will be enabled. To verify that the plugin is working, go to your WordPress site’s “Themes” menu and select the “Elementor” theme. You should see a “Theme Elementor” section within the “Theme Options” tab.

PRO TIP: If you are using a theme that is not compatible with Elementor, you may experience issues with your website. We recommend that you use a theme that is specifically designed for Elementor, or that you contact the theme developer to see if they are planning on making their theme Elementor compatible.

If you don’t see the “Theme Elementor” section, the plugin isn’t working. Finally, if you ever need to disable the plugin, go to the “Plugins” menu in WordPress, click on the “Disable” button next to the “Elementor” plugin, and then enter your WordPress site’s admin username and password.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.