Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Make Text Hover in Squarespace?

How Do I Make Text Hover in Squarespace?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:54 pm

The internet is a constantly changing landscape, and keeping up with the latest trends can be a challenge. One trend that has been gaining popularity lately is the use of hover effects on text. Hover effects are a great way to add some interactivity to your website and can be used to draw attention to important information or add some visual interest to your design.

Adding hover effects to your text is easy with Squarespace. Simply select the text you want to add the effect to and then click on the “Style” tab in the left-hand sidebar.

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, you can easily break your Squarespace site while trying to make text hover in Squarespace. We highly recommend that you create a backup of your site before making any changes.

From there, you can select the “Hover” option and choose the effect you want to apply. There are several different hover effects to choose from, so experiment until you find one that you like.

If you want more control over how your hover effect looks, you can use the CSS editor. To do this, go to the “Design” tab and then click on “Custom CSS” in the left-hand sidebar. From there, you can add your own CSS code to create a custom hover effect.

Text hover effects can be a great way to add some interactivity and visual interest to your Squarespace website. With just a few clicks, you can add a hover effect to any piece of text on your site. And if you want even more control over how your hover effect looks, you can always use the CSS editor.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.