Web Development » UpWork » How Do I Manually Track Time in UpWork?

How Do I Manually Track Time in UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:47 am

There are many different ways to track time, but one of the most popular methods is through UpWork. This website allows you to easily view your work hours and see how much time you have left to complete a task.

But what if you want to manually track your time? Here’s how to do it:

PRO TIP: If you are manually tracking time in Upwork, please be aware that this is an unreliable method of tracking time and may result in inaccurate data. Inaccurate data can lead to over- or under-billing, and may also impact your Upwork job search ranking. We recommend using the built-in timer in Upwork, which is a more reliable way to track time.

1. Log into your UpWork account and click on the “My Jobs” tab. 2. Find the job that you want to track time for and click on it. 3. On the right side of the screen, you will see a section called “Time Tracker.”

Click on the “Start Tracking Time” button. 4. A new window will open up where you can start tracking your time. Make sure to enter in accurate information so that you can get an accurate account of how long the task took you. 5. Once you’re finished, click on the “Stop Tracking Time” button and then close the window.

That’s all there is to it! By manually tracking your time, you can get a better understanding of how long certain tasks take you and make sure that you’re being paid for your work fairly.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.