Web Design » Canva » How Do I Match a Font in Canva?

How Do I Match a Font in Canva?

Last updated on March 26, 2023 @ 8:36 am

There is one simple way to match a font in Canva. That is to use the search bar.

To do this, simply a text from your design and click on the font style field in the top menu.

This will open up the font library of Canva. From there, click on the search bar at the top.


Now type in the name of the font style that you want to match in the fonts library match and Canva will give you a list of similar fonts.


PRO TIP: This article is about how to match a font in Canva, but it does not mention the potential problems that can occur when doing so. Fonts can be tricky, and if you’re not careful, you can end up with a mismatched mess. Be sure to take your time and test out different fonts before settling on one.

Select one from the results and this will be automatically applied to your text.

And there you have it! You can also use the top menu to add some style to your text to make it more engaging.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.