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How Do I Message a Buyer on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:16 pm

I’m a newbie on Fiverr. How do I message a buyer?

Sending a Message to a Buyer

To message a buyer, go to the buyer’s profile page and click the “Send Message” button. Type your message in the text box and click “Send.” Your message will appear in the buyer’s inbox, and the buyer will be notified of your message.

What to Include in Your Message

When messaging a buyer, be sure to include all relevant information about your gig. This includes:

  • The gig title
  • A link to your gig
  • Your price
  • The delivery time
  • Any special instructions for the buyer

How Do I Message a Buyer on Fiverr?

How Do I Message a Buyer on Fiverr?

Sending a message to a buyer is easy! Simply go to the buyer’s profile page and click on the “Send Message” button.

Type out your message in the text box provided and click “Send.” Your message will appear in the buyer’s inbox and they will be notified of your message.

What should you include in your message? Be sure to include all relevant information about your gig such as:

  • The gig title
  • A link to your gig
  • Your price
  • The delivery time
  • Any special instructions for the buyer

By following these simple steps, you can easily send messages to buyers and get started on Fiverr!

PRO TIP: When messaging a buyer on Fiverr, be sure to use respectful and professional language. Avoid using slang or abbreviations, and do not use all caps. Remember that the buyer is paying for your services, so you want to make sure that you are conveying the message that you are a professional who is worth their money.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.