Web Design » Figma » How Do I Open Axure Files in Figma?

How Do I Open Axure Files in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:10 am

There are a few ways to open Axure files in Figma. The first way is to use the ‘Open in Figma’ button that is available when you export your file from Axure. This will open the file in your browser, from where you can then save it to your Figma account.

Another way to open Axure files in Figma is to use the ‘File > Open’ menu option in Figma, and then select the ‘From URL..’ option. You can then paste the URL of your Axure file into the box that appears, and Figma will open the file.

PRO TIP: If you are trying to open an Axure file in Figma, be warned that this is not possible. The two file formats are not compatible and you will not be able to open or view your Axure file in Figma.

If you have an Axure file that is saved on your computer, you can also open it in Figma by using the ‘File > Open’ menu option in Figma, and then selecting the ‘From Computer. You can then navigate to where your Axure file is saved on your computer and select it, and Figma will open it.

To conclude, opening Axure files in Figma is a simple process that can be done in a few different ways. The most straightforward way is to use the ‘Open in Figma’ button that is available when you export your file from Axure. Alternatively, you can use the ‘File > Open’ menu option in Figma, and then select either the ‘From URL.’ or ‘From Computer.’ option depending on where your Axure file is saved.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.