Hosting » GoDaddy » How do I point a subdomain to my GoDaddy IP address?

How do I point a subdomain to my GoDaddy IP address?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:52 pm

There are a few ways to point a subdomain to your GoDaddy IP address.

One way is to use the CNAME record in your DNS zone file. To do this, you’ll need to open your DNS zone file in a text editor, and find the CNAME record for your subdomain.

For example, if your subdomain is, your CNAME record might look like this:


You would then need to add to your list of allowed IP addresses for your GoDaddy account.

PRO TIP: When creating a subdomain and trying to point it to a GoDaddy IP address, be aware that this will not work unless the DNS for the domain is also hosted with GoDaddy. If it is not, you will need to update the DNS records with the new IP address.

You can also use the GoDaddy DNS Manager to set up this CNAME record.

Finally, you can use the GoDaddy IP Address Manager to find your GoDaddy IP address and then use that IP address as the CNAME record for your subdomain.

Either way, be sure to update your DNS records once you have set them up.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.