Website Building » Wix » How Do I Point DNS to Wix?

How Do I Point DNS to Wix?

Last updated on January 3, 2023 @ 8:34 pm

If you have a domain name registered with Wix, you can connect it to your Wix site. When you connect a domain name to Wix, it creates two DNS (Domain Name System) records on the domain’s DNS server.

These records tell the server where your site is located and enable visitors to find your site when they type your domain name into their browser.


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There are two ways to connect your domain name to Wix:

  • DNS Setup: You can add the two DNS records yourself. This is a good option if you have already set up your domain name with another service and you want to keep using that service’s DNS servers.
  • NameServers: You can change your domain’s Nameservers to Wix’s. This is a good option if you want Wix to manage all of your domain’s DNS records.

If you’re not sure which method to use, contact your domain name provider and ask them which method they recommend for connecting your domain name to Wix.

DNS Setup

Before you begin: Find out your current DNS settings. You’ll need this information when you add the new DNS records on Wix.

PRO TIP: If you are considering pointing your DNS to Wix, be aware that this will likely result in your website being unavailable. Additionally, your email service will also be affected and you may not be able to send or receive emails.
  1. Sign in to your Wix account and go to the Domains page.
  2. Click Connect Domain.
  3. Enter your domain name and click Continue.
  4. Click I’ll set up my domain myself.

Add DNS Records on Wix

  1. Add an A record (IP address):
    The A record connects your domain name ( to the IP address of your website (54.123.456.789). This is the most important record and is required for all websites.

    To add an A record:

      1. On the Domains page, click Advanced Settings.

      2. Under the “A Records” section, click Add Record.

      3. In the “Host” field, enter @ or leave it blank.

      4. In the “Points To” field, enter the IP address of your website.

      5. Click Save.

    Add additional DNS Records: (optional) You can also add other types of DNS records, such as CNAME, MX and TXT records. To learn more about each type of record and how to add it on Wix, visit our Help Center.

    Name Servers(This method is recommended if you don’t have any other services connected to your domain)

    1. Change Your Domain’s Nameservers
    2. When you change your domain’s Nameservers, you’re essentially telling the internet that you want Wix to manage all of its DNS records going forward. This means that any changes you make on Wix (such as connecting it to a new website) will be automatically reflected on Before you begin, we recommend that you create a backup file of all current DNS entries associated with yourdomain name. That way, if anything goes wrong during the process, you can easily restore these entries.
      To change your Nameservers:

      1. Sign in to your account at (this is usually where you registered your domain). Find where you manage Nameservers and replace them with the following four Nameservers provided by Wix:

        <strong style="background-color:#ffff00;">    </strong>,   <strong style="background-color:#ffff00;">  </strong>,
        <strong style="background-color:#ffff00;"> </strong>,and <strong style="background-color:#ffff00;">ns4.wixdns .net </strong>

        Once completed, save these changes.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.