Web Development » Fiverr » How Do I Post to Fiverr Mobile?

How Do I Post to Fiverr Mobile?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:54 pm

Assuming you have a Fiverr account (if not, sign up here), follow these steps to post a gig on Fiverr Mobile:

1. Download the Fiverr app from the App Store or Google Play Store.

2. Once the app is installed, open it and log in with your credentials.

3. On the main screen, tap on the “Sell” tab located at the bottom of the screen.

4. On the next screen, tap on the “Create New Gig” button.

5. Now you will need to fill out all the necessary information about your gig. This includes adding a title, description, price, category, and images. Be sure to spend some time on this step so you can create a gig that will stand out and attract buyers.

6. Once you are finished filling out all the information about your gig, tap on the “Submit” button.

7. That’s it! Your gig is now live and ready to be purchased by buyers.
Assuming you have a Fiverr account (if not, sign up here) follow these steps to post a gig on Fiverr Mobile:

1. Download the Fiverr app from either the App Store or Google Play Store. 2. After installation, open the app and log in with your credentials. 3. On the main screen, select the “Sell” tab at the bottom of display. 4. The next screen offers a “Create New Gig” button – select it.

5. Now you will need to fill out all pertinent information about your gig; this includes adding a title, description, price, category, and images. 6. When completed filling out information for your gig, select the “Submit” button. 7 . And that’s it – your gig is now live and available to be purchased by buyers!

PRO TIP: If you are posting to Fiverr Mobile, be aware that there are some scams that target mobile users. Be sure to verify the identity of the person you are dealing with before completing any transactions.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.