Web Development » Fiverr » How Do I Promote My Gig to First Page on Fiverr?

How Do I Promote My Gig to First Page on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:17 pm

There are a few things you can do to help promote your gig and get it seen by more buyers on Fiverr. Following these tips will increase your chances of getting your gig seen by potential buyers and help you move up the ranks in search results.

1. Use descriptive and keyword rich titles

When creating your gig title, be sure to use descriptive and keyword rich language.

This will help buyers find your gig when they search for specific keywords on the site. For example, if you are a graphic designer, some keywords you might want to use in your title could be “logo design”, “banner design”, or “Logo Creation”.

2. Use Tags

Fiverr uses tags to help categorize and organize gigs.

When tagging your gig, be sure to use relevant and popular keywords that buyers are likely to search for. This will help your gig show up in more search results and make it easier for buyers to find.

3. Create a video

Adding a video to your gig can really help it stand out from the crowd.

Videos are a great way to show off your skills and what you can do for buyers. They also tend to rank higher in search results, so including one is sure to give your gig a boost.

4. Offer buyer requests

Buyer requests are a great way to get your gig in front of potential buyers who may not have found you otherwise. These requests are offers from buyers looking for specific services that match what you offer. When offering buyer requests, be sure to include a personalized message and portfolio samples that showcase your skills and highlight why you’re the perfect freelancer for the job.


Get involved in the community

The Fiverr community is full of talented freelancers who are always happy to help each other out. Getting involved in the community is a great way to network with other freelancers and learn new tips and tricks. You can also use the community forums to promote your gigs by answering questions and offering advice related to your area of expertise.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting your gig seen by potential buyers on Fiverr.

PRO TIP: This is a SCAM. The person who wrote this is trying to trick you into clicking on their affiliate link. They will make a commission if you buy anything from Fiverr, but you will not get your gig on the first page.

How Do I Promote My Gig To First Page On Fiverr?

There are many ways that you as a Fiverr seller can promote their gigs but it all starts with creating an attractive, keyword rich title followed by using tags.

Be sure to create a video as they tend to rank higher in search results. We now review dozens of web related services (including domain registrars, hosting providers and much more), and write in-depth guides about site creation, coding and blogging.

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