Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Push Products From Printful to WooCommerce?

How Do I Push Products From Printful to WooCommerce?

Last updated on January 17, 2023 @ 11:03 am

There are a few ways that you can push products from Printful over to your WooCommerce site.

The first way is by using the Printful Plugin for WooCommerce. With this option, you can automatically push products straight from Printful into your WordPress/WooCommerce site.

  • Install & activate the plugin
  • Then go into your WordPress backend -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Integration.
  • From there select “Printful”.

The second way, which requires a little more setup on your part, but gives more control is by using the Printfile API . This will give allow manual control of pushing product information over.

  • In order generate an API key within your own Printful account (under Store -> Integration).
  • Then within WordPress/WooCommerces’ backend -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced -> REST API . Click on “”Add Key” “and then follow instructions #5 & 6.
  • From there enter in a description as well as copying & pasting the newly generated API Key from step #1.
  • Save changes & Your all set! Now whenever new products are available they will be pushed through automatically.

Option #2 – Using WP-Lister Lite For eBay Plugin
If setting up an integration with Print file seems like too much work or maybe outside of your comfort levels – You could look at installing & configuring the WP-Lister Lite for eBay plugin.

    1. Firstly install & activate the plugin here.

    2. After activation visit ->; WP-Lister Lite for eBay ->; Settings.

    3. Enter in all required information such as your own personal eBay developer keys.

    4. Next, you will need to link your WordPress site to your eBay account. To do this, click on the “Add Account” button and follow the prompts to grant WP-Lister Lite for eBay access to your eBay account.

    5. Once your WordPress site is linked to your eBay account, you can begin adding products to your eBay store. To do this, go to the Products page in your WordPress dashboard and select the products you want to add to eBay. Then, click on the “List on eBay” button in the bulk actions dropdown menu.

    6. You can also customize the appearance of your listings by going to the WP-Lister Lite for eBay > Listings page and clicking on the “Edit” button for a specific listing. Here, you can add custom descriptions, change the price, and add additional images.

    7. Finally, you can manage your orders and track your sales by going to the WP-Lister Lite for eBay > Orders page. Here, you can view all of your eBay orders and update their status as needed.

Using the WP-Lister Lite for eBay plugin is a great way to easily integrate your WordPress site with your eBay store. It allows you to quickly add products, customize your listings, and manage your orders all from within your WordPress dashboard. Whether you’re just starting out on eBay or you’re an experienced seller, this plugin is a useful tool that can help you streamline your eCommerce operations.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.