Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Remove Add to Cart Button on Shopify?

How Do I Remove Add to Cart Button on Shopify?

Last updated on January 7, 2023 @ 8:33 am

If you want to remove the Add to Cart button on your Shopify product pages, there are a few ways you can do this. One way is to edit the code for your theme.

Another way is to use an app from the Shopify app store.

If you want to remove the Add to Cart button by editing your theme code, you will need to access the code for your theme. This can be done by going to Online Store > Themes in your Shopify admin. From here, click on the Actions drop-down menu for the theme you want to edit and select Edit code.

Go to Shopify themes edit code actions

In the Templates directory, look for the product.liquid file and open it. Once you have opened the product.liquid file, look for the line of code that says:

{{ product.metafields.product_page_metafields.addtocartbutton }}

Click main product liquid in Shopify section code editor

This is the line of code that displays the Add to Cart button on your product pages. To remove this button, simply delete this line of code or replace it with something else.

For example, you could replace it with a line of text that says “This product is currently out of stock.

PRO TIP: If you are considering removing the “Add to Cart” button on your Shopify store, be aware that this could have a negative impact on your sales. Without this button, customers will not be able to add items to their cart, and will likely leave your store without making a purchase.

If you want to remove the Add to Cart button using an app from the Shopify app store, there are a few different apps you can choose from. One popular option is Remove Add to Cart Buttons by Hextom. This app allows you to remove the Add to Cart button from specific products, collections, or your entire store.

Search Remove Add to cart by Hexom in Shopify app store

Another popular option is Product Options by Bold Apps. This app allows you to create custom product options and add them to your products. You can also use this app to remove the Add to Cart button from specific products or collections.

Search Product Options by Bold Apps in Shopify App Store


There are a few different ways that you can remove the Add to Cart button on your Shopify store. You can either edit the code for your theme or use an app from the Shopify app store. If you want to remove the Add to Cart button from specific products or collections, we recommend using an app like Remove Add to Cart Buttons by Hextom or Product Options by Bold Apps.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.