Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Remove Hair in Photoshop CC?

How Do I Remove Hair in Photoshop CC?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 12:06 pm

If you’re using Photoshop CC, there are a few different ways that you can remove hair from your photos. One way is to use the Content-Aware Fill tool. This tool will automatically fill in the area where you remove the hair, and it does a pretty good job of matching the surrounding area.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the ‘How Do I Remove Hair in Photoshop CC?’ article may contain outdated or inaccurate information. Proceed with caution when following the instructions in this article.

Another way to remove hair is to use the Clone Stamp tool. This tool allows you to clone a section of the image and then use it to cover up the area where you removed the hair. You can also use the Eraser tool to remove hair, but this can sometimes result in a jagged edge.

If you want to remove hair from your photos, the best way to do it is to use the Content-Aware Fill tool.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.