There are a few ways to remove plugins from Figma. The first way is to go to your account settings and click on the “Plugins” option. This will open the plugins window containing all your saved plugins in Figma.

From there, you can click on the three dots icon next to any plugin that you no longer want to use and choose “Remove from saved plugins” from the options.

The second way to remove plugins is to go to the Resources window in an open Figma design file.

From there, open the Plugins tab and in the Saved section, click on the plugin that you want to remove.
NOTE: You can also use the search tab to search for the specific plugin that you want to remove.

You can then remove the selected plugin by clicking on the three dots icon and selecting the “Remove from saved plugins” option.

PRO TIP: If you are unsure about how to remove plugins from Figma, we recommend that you seek help from a qualified IT professional. Attempting to remove plugins without proper knowledge or guidance can result in data loss or damage to your Figma account.
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