Web Design » Photoshop » How do I reset Photoshop to default settings?

How do I reset Photoshop to default settings?

Last updated on September 19, 2023 @ 9:24 am

Resetting Photoshop to its default settings can be done in one simple way. That is to go to the Photoshop Preferences window.

To do this, first, open your Photoshop application and go to the Edit menu. Then, select Preferences and choose the General option.

In the General section of the Preferences window, click on the “Reset Preferences On Quit” option.

A pop-up will then appear, asking for confirmation of the reset action to be performed. Simply click on the “OK” button to confirm. This will reset all of Photoshop’s settings to their defaults.

Once done, exit your Photoshop application and relaunch it in order for the changes to be applied. And that’s it!

PRO TIP: If you reset your Photoshop to default settings, all of your customizations will be lost. This includes your preferences, tool presets, workspaces, and any custom actions you’ve created.

Resetting Adobe Photoshop to its default settings is a straightforward process that can help resolve unexpected software behaviors and give you a fresh workspace. However, always make sure to back up important work before making any changes to your Photoshop settings.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.