Web Design » Figma » How Do I Resize an Image in Figma?

How Do I Resize an Image in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:11 pm

If you have ever tried to upload an image into a Figma document only to find that it’s too large, you’re not alone. It’s a common problem that can be easily fixed with a little bit of know-how. In this article, we’ll show you how to resize an image in Figma so that it fits perfectly into your design.

When you first open Figma, you’ll be greeted with a blank canvas. To add an image to your design, click on the ‘+’ icon in the left hand sidebar and select ‘Image’ from the menu.

This will open up your computer’s file explorer. Navigate to the location of the image you want to add and click ‘Open’.

The image will now appear on your canvas. Before we start resizing, it’s important to make sure that the image is selected. You can do this by clicking on the image with your mouse or by using the shortcut key ‘Ctrl + A’ (Windows) or ‘Cmd + A’ (Mac).

With the image selected, take a look at the control bar at the top of the screen. The first two options are for changing the width and height of your image.

By default, these are set to ‘Auto’. This means that Figma will automatically adjust the width and height of your image based on the other content in your design.

If you want to manually resize your image, simply click on one of these options and type in the new value. You can also use the control bar to change the position of your image within the frame. Just click on one of the options and drag your mouse until you have positioned the image where you want it.

The next two options in the control bar are for rotation and skewing. Rotation allows you to rotate your image clockwise or counterclockwise by a certain number of degrees. To do this, simply click on one of the rotation options and type in the number of degrees you want to rotate your image by.

Skewing allows you to tilt your image horizontally or vertically by a certain number of degrees. To do this, click on one of the skew options and type in the number of degrees you want to skew your image by.

The final two options in the control bar are for opacity and blending mode. Opacity refers to how transparent an element is and is measured as a percentage from 0% (fully transparent) to 100% (fully opaque). To change the opacity of an element, simply click on one of the opacity options and type in a new value between 0% and 100%.

Blending mode determines how an element interacts with other elements beneath it when they overlap. For example, if you set an element to ‘Multiply’ blending mode and place it over a dark background, it will become darker itself. To change an element’s blending mode, simply click on one of the blending mode options and select a new mode from the menu that appears.

How Do I Resize an Image in Figma?

If you have ever tried to upload an image into a Figma document only to find that it’s too large, don’t worry – it’s a common problem with an easy fix. In this article, we’ll show you how to resize an image in Figma so that it fits perfectly into your design.

When you first open Figma, you’ll be greeted with a blank canvas. To add an image into yor design,,click on ‘+’ icon inthe left hand sidebarand select ‘Image’ fromthe menu.

This actionwill open up yor computer’s file explorer. Navigate tothe locationof thte desiredimageand click ‘Open’.

The imagewill now appearon yor canvas. Before beginningthe resizing process,it’s importantto make surethatthe imagis selected.

You cando thisby clickingon thte imagewith yor mouseor by usinga shortcutkey: (Ctrl + A)(Windows) or(Cmd + A)(Mac).

Withthte imagenow selected, takea look atthe controlbar atthe topof thte screen.

The firsttwo optionsinthis bararefor changingthe widthand heightof thte imageto bestsuit yor needs.

By default,theseare setto ‘Auto’.This meansFigma will automaticallyadjustthe widthand heightof thte imageto fitwithinthe otherelementsin yor design.

Ifyouwantto manuallyresize thte imageto particular dimensions,simplyclickon oneofthese optionsand typein thtenew value.

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, you may end up with an image that is the wrong size for your project. Make sure to resize your image before using it in Figma.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.