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How do I resize an object in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 8:14 pm

When you resize an object in Photoshop, you are actually changing the size of the pixels that make up the object. Photoshop has a variety of tools that allow you to resize an object without losing any quality. Here are four tips to resize an object in Photoshop:

1. Use the Crop Tool: The Crop Tool lets you resize an object by restricting the area that is visible. To use the Crop Tool, first select the object you want to resize.

Then, click the Crop Tool (G) in the Tools panel, or press C. The Crop Tool is also located on the toolbar.

PRO TIP: If you are trying to resize an object in Photoshop, be very careful. If you are not familiar with the software, you could easily end up making your object too small or too large.

2. Use the Free Transform Tool: The Free Transform Tool lets you resize an object by changing the shape of the object. To use the Free Transform Tool, first select the object you want to resize.

Then, use the cursor to select the portion of the object you want to change. Finally, use the Free Transform Tool to resize the object.

3. Use the Scale Tool: The Scale Tool lets you resize an object by changing the size of the object. To use the Scale Tool, first select the object you want to resize. Finally, use the Scale Tool to resize the object.

4. Use the Warp Tool: The Warp Tool lets you resize an object by changing the shape of the object. To use the Warp Tool, first select the object you want to resize. Finally, use the Warp Tool to resize the object.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.