Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Restrict Users in WooCommerce?

How Do I Restrict Users in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:37 am

WooCommerce is a powerful eCommerce platform that gives you complete control over your online store. One of the great things about using WooCommerce is that you can easily restrict access to certain areas of your site for certain users. In this article, we’ll show you how to restrict users in WooCommerce.

There are two ways to restrict access to your WooCommerce store: by user role or by IP address.

If you want to restrict access by user role, you’ll need to install the WooCommerce Members Only plugin. This plugin lets you specify which user roles can access your WooCommerce store.

To install the plugin, head over to the Plugins page in your WordPress admin and click Add New. Then, search for “WooCommerce Members Only” and install the plugin.

Once the plugin is installed and activated, head over to the Members Only settings page to configure the plugin. First, you’ll need to select the user roles that should have access to your WooCommerce store.

By default, only administrators and editors will have access. If you want to give other user roles access, you’ll need to check the box next to their role.

Next, you’ll need to specify what should happen when a non-authorized user tries to access your WooCommerce store. You can either redirect them to the WordPress login page or display a custom message. We recommend redirecting them to the login page so they can’t see any of your products unless they’re logged in.

If you want to restrict access by IP address, you’ll need to install the Restrict User Access plugin. This plugin lets you specify which IP addresses can access your WooCommerce store. Then, search for “Restrict User Access” and install the plugin.

Once the plugin is installed and activated, head over to the Restrict User Access settings page to configure the plugin. First, you’ll need to select the IP addresses that should have access to your WooCommerce store. You can add multiple IP addresses by clicking on the “Add IP Address” button.

Next, you’ll need to specify what should happen when a non-authorized user tries to access your WooCommerce store. We recommend redirecting them so they can’t see any of your products unless they’re logged in.

How Do I Restrict Users in WooCommerce? – You can restrict users in WooComerce two ways: By user role or IP address.

Installing a Plugin

If you want want control over which roles can have acces

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.