Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Rotate an Image in Photoshop CC?

How Do I Rotate an Image in Photoshop CC?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:02 pm

In Photoshop CC, there are a few different ways to rotate an image. The first way is to use the ‘Free Transform’ tool. With the ‘Free Transform’ tool selected, click on the image and then click on the ‘Rotate’ icon in the options bar at the top of the screen. A bounding box will appear around the image. To rotate the image, click on one of the corner handles and drag it in the direction you want to rotate the image. You can also enter a specific degree amount in the ‘Angle’ field in the options bar. The second way to rotate an image is to use the ‘Rotate Canvas’ tool. To select this tool, go to ‘Image > Image Rotation > Rotate Canvas’.

You will then be presented with a dialog box where you can select how you want to rotate your image. The third way to rotate an image is to use the ‘Transform’ command. To do this, go to ‘Edit > Transform > Rotate’. This will bring up the same bounding box and options as the ‘Free Transform’ tool. The fourth and final way to rotate an image is to use the ‘Arrange’ command. To do this, go to ‘Window > Arrange’. You will then be presented with a dialog box where you can select how you want to arrange your windows. Select ‘Rotate 90 CW’ or ‘Rotate 90 CCW’.

PRO TIP: If you are using Photoshop CC to rotate an image, be aware that this will permanently change the orientation of the image. Save a copy of the original image before performing this action.

The first way to rotate an image in Photoshop CC is by using the Free Transform tool. With this tool selected, simply click on your image and then click on the Rotate icon in the options bar located at the top of your screen. This will cause a bounding box to appear around your image. To actually rotate your image, simply click on one of its corner handles and drag it in whatever direction you want to rotate your photo. Another way to do this is by entering a specific degree value into Photoshop’s Angle field located in said options bar. The second method for rotating an image within Photoshop CC involves using something called the Rotate Canvas tool. To select this particular tool, go into Photoshop’s Image menu at the top of your screen and choose Image Rotation followed by Rotate Canvas.

Doing so will cause a dialog box to appear asking how you’d like to proceed with rotating your picture file. The third method for rotating an image inside of Photoshop CC employs something known as Transform. As with before, go into Photoshop’s Edit menu at the top of your screen but this time select Transform followed by Rotate from its drop-down list of options. Doing so once again brings up that familiar bounding box as well as those same options we saw earlier when using Free Transform. Finally, there’s also an Arrange command that can be used for rotating images within Photoshop CC although it’s a little different than what we’ve seen thus far. For starters, go into Photoshop’s Window menu located near Edit at the top of your screen and choose Arrange from its drop-down list of options before proceeding any further. Doing so should open up a dialog box asking how you want your windows arranged—and it’s here where you can select either Rotate 90 CW or Rotate 90 CCW depending on which way you want your image rotated.

In conclusion, there are four different ways that you can go about rotating an image inside of Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud: by using Free Transform, Rotate Canvas, Transform or Arrange.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.