Website Building » Wix » How Do I See Live Visitors on Wix?

How Do I See Live Visitors on Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:57 am

Are you looking for a way to see how many people are visiting your Wix site in real-time? Luckily, there is a built-in feature that allows you to do just that! Here’s how to use it:

First, log in to your Wix account and go to the Dashboard. Then, click on the “Site Visitors” tab. This will bring up a graph that shows you how many visitors your site has had over the past 24 hours.


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PRO TIP: If you are using the Wix website builder, you may have noticed that there is no built-in feature to track live visitors. While this may not be a big deal for some people, it can be a problem if you are trying to monitor your site’s traffic.

There are a few ways to work around this, but they all require installing third-party tracking tools. These tools can be difficult to set up, and they may slow down your site. Additionally, they may not work correctly with all browsers.

If you need to track live visitors on your Wix site, we recommend using Google Analytics. This is a free tool that is easy to set up, and it works with all major browsers.

You can also see a breakdown of where your visitors are coming from, what pages they’re viewing, and how long they’re staying on your site. To see this information, just click on the “Detailed Statistics” link.

Now that you know how to view your site’s traffic, you can start making changes to attract even more visitors. For example, if you see that most of your visitors are coming from a particular country, you could add content that appeals to them. Or, if you notice that people are leaving your site after only viewing one page, you might want to work on improving your website’s navigation.

By understanding who your visitors are and what they’re looking for, you can make sure that they have the best possible experience when they visit your Wix site.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.