Web Design » Photoshop » How Do I Select a Layer in Photoshop by Clicking?

How Do I Select a Layer in Photoshop by Clicking?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:02 pm

In Photoshop, there are several ways to select a layer. The most common way is to click on the layer in the Layers panel. However, you can also select a layer by clicking on it in the image window, or by using a keyboard shortcut.

When you click on a layer in the Layers panel, it becomes the active layer and any changes you make will be applied to that layer. You can tell which layer is active because it is highlighted in the Layers panel.

If you click on a layer in the image window, it will also become the active layer. However, if you hold down the Shift key and click on another layer, both layers will be selected. You can tell which layers are selected because they will be highlighted in the Layers panel.

You can also select multiple layers by using a keyboard shortcut. First, make sure that the Layers panel is visible. Then, hold down the Ctrl (Windows) / Command (Mac) key and click on the layers you want to select.

Once you have selected the layers you want, you can apply changes to all of them at once. For example, you could change the opacity of all selected layers, or add a mask to them.

Selecting layers is an important part of working in Photoshop, so it’s good to know all of the different ways that you can do it.

PRO TIP: If you are not careful when selecting a layer in Photoshop by clicking, you may accidentally select the wrong layer and make unwanted changes to your image. Be sure to double-check your selection before making any changes.

Conclusion: There are several ways to select a layer in Photoshop – by clicking on it in the Layers panel, by clicking on it in the image window, or by using a keyboard shortcut. You can also select multiple layers by holding down the Ctrl (Windows) / Command (Mac) key and clicking on them.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.