Web Development » Fiverr » How Do I Sell My Website on Fiverr?

How Do I Sell My Website on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:58 pm

Are you looking to sell your website on Fiverr? Well, there are a few things you need to know before you get started. In this article, we’ll go over how to sell your website on Fiverr, what to include in your gig, and how to price your gig.

When you’re selling your website on Fiverr, the first thing you need to do is create a gig. To do this, go to the Fiverr homepage and click on the “Start Selling” button. Then, select the “Create a Gig” option.

On the next page, you’ll need to enter some basic information about your gig, such as the title and category. For the title, something like “I will sell my website” would be fine. As for the category, choose “Website Development > Sales & Marketing.”

Once you’ve entered that information, click on the “Continue” button. On the next page, you’ll need to enter a description for your gig. This is where you’ll really sell your website.

PRO TIP: Selling your website on Fiverr may not be the best idea. There are a few things to consider before doing so, such as:

-The quality of your website. If it is not up to par, you may not get many buyers or any buyers at all.

-How much traffic your website gets. If it does not get much traffic, it will be harder to sell.

-Your website’s niche. If it is a very specific niche, it may be hard to find buyers on Fiverr.

In your description, be sure to include all of the features and benefits of your website. Mention any awards or recognition it’s received. And be sure to let potential buyers know that they’re getting a great deal by purchasing your website.

When you’re finished writing your description, scroll down and select a pricing option. For most websites, $5 is more than enough. However, if your website is particularly large or complex, you may want to charge more.

Once you’ve selected a pricing option, scroll down and add some tags to help buyers find your gig. Some good tags to use include “website,” “sale,” and “Fiverr.”

Finally, click on the “Publish Gig” button and you’re done! Your gig will now be live and available for purchase by anyone on Fiverr.

Selling your website on Fiverr is a great way to get rid of an old website or make some extra cash. Just be sure to create a great gig and include all of the important information potential buyers will need to know.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.