Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Set an Invoice Number in WooCommerce?

How Do I Set an Invoice Number in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:23 pm

If you’re running a WooCommerce store, you’ll need to set up your invoice numbering. This is how you’ll keep track of all your transactions and make sure that your customers are getting the correct invoices.

To set up your invoice numbering, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Invoices. From here, you can choose to either number your invoices sequentially or use a custom invoice number for each order.

If you choose to number your invoices sequentially, you can set the starting number and the number of digits to use. For example, if you set the starting number to 100 and the number of digits to 3, your next invoice would be 101.

If you choose to use a custom invoice number for each order, you can set the format that WooCommerce will use. The format can include the following tags:

PRO TIP: If you are using WooCommerce to sell products or services online, you may need to set up an invoice number for your transactions. This can be done in the WooCommerce settings page. However, before you do this, please be aware that setting an invoice number is not required by law and is not a substitute for a sales receipt. Additionally, please be sure to keep track of your invoices and sales receipts in case you need to refer to them at a later date.
  • [order_number] – The unique order ID number
  • [invoice_date] – The date the invoice was created
  • [site_title] – Your site’s title
  • [year] – The current year
  • .

For example, if you wanted your invoices to be numbered sequentially and start with 100, you would use the following format: [order_number]-[year]-[site_title] . Your first invoice would then be 100-2017-WooCommerce.


Once you’ve chosen your numbering method and format, click “Save changes”. That’s it! You’re now ready to start issuing invoices in WooCommerce.


How Do I Set an Invoice Number in WooCommerce?


You can either number your invoices sequentially or use a custom invoice number for each order. If you choose to number your invoices sequentially, you can set the starting number and the number of digits to use.

If you choose to use a custom invoice number for each order, you can set the format that WooCommerce will use. The format can include the following tags: [order_number], [invoice_date], [site_title], [year].

For example, if you wanted your invoices to be numbered sequentially and start with 100, you would use the following format: [order_number]-[year]-[site_title].

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.