Hosting » HostGator » How do I set up my HostGator email on my iPhone?

How do I set up my HostGator email on my iPhone?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 6:57 pm

Setting up your HostGator email on your iPhone is easy. You will need to create a HostGator account, and then sign in to your account. After you have logged in, you will need to click on the “Email” button in the top right corner of the screen. You will then need to click on the “Add Account” button. After you have clicked on the “Add Account” button, you will need to enter your login information. After you have entered your login information, you will need to click on the “Next” button. You will then need to enter your email address. After you have entered your email address, you will need to click on the “Next” button. You will then need to enter your password. After you have entered your password, you will need to click on the “Finish” button. After you have clicked on the “Finish” button, you will be prompted to click on the “Set Up Email” button. After you have clicked on the “Set Up Email” button, you will be prompted to enter your HostGator email address.

PRO TIP: If you are using Hostgator for your email service, be aware that there are some known issues with setting up Hostgator email on iPhones. Some users have reported problems with connecting to the server, and others have had difficulty sending or receiving emails. If you encounter any problems, we recommend contacting Hostgator support for assistance.

After you have entered your HostGator email address, you will be prompted to click on the “Next” button. You will then be prompted to enter your email password. After you have entered your email password, you will be prompted to click on the “Next” button. You will then be prompted to click on the “Finish” button. After you have clicked on the “Finish” button, you will be prompted to click on the “Send Test Email” button. After you have clicked on the “Send Test Email” button, you will be prompted to enter your email address again. After you have entered your email address again, you will be prompted to click on the “Next” button. You will then be prompted to enter your email password again. After you have entered your email password again, you will be prompted to click on the “Finish” button. After you have clicked on the “Finish” button, you will be prompted to click on the “Done” button. After you have clicked on the “Done” button, you will be taken to the “Mail Received” screen. After you have clicked on the “Mail Received” screen, you will be able to view your HostGator email.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.