Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Set WooCommerce Catalog Mode?

How Do I Set WooCommerce Catalog Mode?

Last updated on January 18, 2023 @ 8:41 am

If you’re using WooCommerce to sell products on your WordPress site, you may want to consider enabling catalog mode. Catalog mode allows you to disable certain eCommerce features on your site, such as the shopping cart and checkout pages.

This can be useful if you want to use WooCommerce to display products on your site without allowing users to purchase them. In this article, we’ll show you how to set up catalog mode in WooCommerce.

First, you’ll need to install and activate the WooCommerce plugin on your WordPress site. For more information, see our guide on how to install a plugin in WordPress. Once you’ve installed and activated WooCommerce, you’ll need to go to WooCommerce > Settings from the left hand sidebar of your WordPress admin panel.

On the WooCommerce Settings page, you’ll need to select the Catalog tab from the top of the page. Then, you’ll need to check the box next to “Enable Catalog Mode”. Once you’ve done that, click on the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page.

You’ve now successfully enabled catalog mode in WooCommerce. However, there are a few more settings that you may want to configure. First, let’s take a look at the “Catalog Options” section.

In the “Catalog Options” section, you can choose whether or not to show prices on your product pages. If you don’t want to show prices, simply check the box next to “Hide Prices”.

You can also choose whether or not to allow users to add products to their cart by checking or unchecking the box next to “Add To Cart Button”. If you want users to be able to purchase products directly from your site, leave this option checked.

Conclusion: How Do I Set WooCommerce Catalog Mode?

In order to set up catalog mode in WooCommerce, you first need to install and activate the plugin. Then, go to WooCommerce > Settings and select the Catalog tab.

From here, check the box next to “Enable Catalog Mode.” You can also configure additional settings, such as whether or not to show prices and addtocart buttons.

PRO TIP: If you are using WooCommerce to sell products on your WordPress site, you may want to consider setting up catalog mode. Catalog mode allows you to disable the shopping cart and checkout functionality on your site, so that visitors can browse your products but not purchase them. This can be useful if you only want to display products for information purposes, or if you’re setting up a temporary shop while your main site is under construction.

When setting up catalog mode, it’s important to remember that you will need to disable all payment methods on your site, as well as any shipping options. Otherwise, visitors will still be able to add items to their cart and attempt to purchase them, even though they won’t be able to complete the transaction.

It’s also worth noting that catalog mode will not prevent users from accessing the rest of your site. If you want to restrict access to your product pages, you’ll need to set up password protection or use a plugin like Members Only.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.