Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Set WooCommerce to Catalog Mode?

How Do I Set WooCommerce to Catalog Mode?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:49 pm

When you want to use WooCommerce to sell only physical goods, and not digital products, you can enable catalog mode. This mode will disable the shopping cart and checkout pages, giving your customers a way to browse your products without being able to purchase them. You can still use WooCommerce to take orders from customers, but you’ll need to disable catalog mode first. Here’s how:


Log in to your WordPress site and go to WooCommerce > Settings. 2. On the General tab, scroll down to the Catalog Mode section and select the Enable/Disable option. 3. Save your changes.

Once you’ve enabled catalog mode, customers will be able to browse your products but they won’t be able to add them to their cart or checkout. If you want to take orders from customers, you can still do so by manually adding their order to the WooCommerce Orders page.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about setting your WooCommerce store to catalog mode, there are a few things you should know. First, catalog mode will disable all of your eCommerce functionality, including the ability to take orders and process payments. This means that your customers will not be able to purchase anything from your store. Second, if you have products that are out of stock, they will still be visible to your customers in catalog mode. This could lead to confusion and frustration, so make sure you update your product descriptions and inventory levels accordingly. Finally, setting your store to catalog mode is a permanent change, so be sure you really want to do it before making the switch.


Enabling catalog mode in WooCommerce is a great way to sell only physical goods.

This mode will disable the shopping cart and checkout pages, giving your customers a way to browse your products without being able to purchase them.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.