Hosting » Google Cloud » How do I SFTP to Google Cloud?

How do I SFTP to Google Cloud?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 8:35 pm

If you want to SFTP to your computer’s Google Drive, here’s how:

1. Open a command prompt or terminal on your computer.

2. Type “sftp”.

3. Type your Google Drive login information.

4. Type “sftp google-drive”.

5. Type “cd” to change to your Google Drive directory.

6. Type “put google-drive/*.


7. Type “quit”.

8. Close the command prompt or terminal.

9. Log back into your Google Drive account.

10. Look for the “Upload” section in your Google Drive and click on it.

11. Select the files you just uploaded, and click on the “Upload” button.

12. Click on the “Close” button in the “Upload Progress” section.

13. You’re done!.

PRO TIP: When SFTPing to Google Cloud, be aware that you will need to have a Google Cloud Platform account and billing set up. You will also need to generate a private key and add it to your SSH agent.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.