Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Share My WooCommerce Product on Facebook?

How Do I Share My WooCommerce Product on Facebook?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:39 am

Product pages on WooCommerce stores can be shared on Facebook in a few different ways. The most common is to use the share button on the product page, which will share a link to the product page on your store on your Facebook Timeline or in a post.

You can also share products from your shop by creating a post on your Facebook Page, and including a link to the product page in the post. To do this, go to your Page, create a new post, and then include the link to the product in the text of your post. You can also add an image of the product, and tag your Page in the post so that it appears on your Page’s Timeline.

If you have a WooCommerce store, and you want to share products from your store on Facebook, there are a few different ways that you can do it. The most common way is to use the share button on the product page, which will share a link to the product page on your store on your Facebook Timeline or in a post.

There are a few different ways that you can share WooCommerce products on Facebook.

If you have products that you want to share with people on Facebook, there are a few different ways that you can do it. The most common method is to use the share button located on each individual product page. This will take care of sharing a direct link to that particular product page onto either person’s timeline that you choose or onto their wall if they are tagged in said post.

Another way you can go about sharing products from WooCommerce would be by creating an entire post dedicated to it through YOUR business facebook page. In order to do this simply navigate to said page while logged into facebook as yourself.

Once there find “create new post” near top of screen/page and click it. From here all you need do is include a link back to desiredproduct within body of text (you could even add relevant photos!). If tagging people is something you’re interested feel free doing so as well! Just know that by tagging people/yourself within posts made through business pages they appear not only under business timeline but also on individual’s timelines.

To summarize: there are several ways that you as owner of WooCommerce store can go about sharing products through facebook platform with others. Most common being direct sharing via provided social media button or by creating dedicated posts through business facebook pages (adding links + photos as needed).

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.