Website Building » Weebly » How Do I Show a PDF on Weebly?

How Do I Show a PDF on Weebly?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 4:25 pm

Weebly is a website builder that allows users to create and edit pages without having to know HTML. However, there may be times when you want to display a PDF on your Weebly page. While Weebly does not have a specific tool for this, there are a few workarounds that will allow you to display a PDF on your page.

The first option is to upload the PDF to your Weebly site and then link to it from an image or text on your page. To do this, simply click the “Upload Files” button in the “Files & Media” section of the Weebly editor. You can then select the PDF from your computer and upload it to your site. Once it has finished uploading, you will see the PDF listed in the “Files & Media” section. To link to the PDF, click on the PDF file name and then copy the URL that appears in the address bar of your browser.

You can then paste this URL into an image or text link on your Weebly page.

PRO TIP: If you are looking for a way to show a PDF on Weebly, beware that there are many scams out there. Many websites claim to offer this service, but they will actually just take your money and give you nothing in return. Make sure you only use a reputable website that has been verified by Weebly.

The second option is to use Google Docs to embed the PDF onto your Weebly page. To do this, first upload the PDF to Google Docs (you will need a free Google account for this). Once the PDF is uploaded, click on the “Share” button and then select “Embed.” Copy the code that appears and paste it into an “HTML/Embed Code” element on your Weebly page. This method will allow visitors to view the PDF right on your Weebly page without having to download it.

The third option is to use a service like Scribd or Issuu to embed the PDF onto your Weebly page. Both of these services offer free accounts that will allow you to upload a PDF and then generate code that you can paste into an “HTML/Embed Code” element on your Weebly page. The advantage of using one of these services is that they usually provide a nicer interface for visitors to view the PDF than what is possible with Google Docs.

So, these were some of the ways by which you could show a pdf on Weebly. You could either link it from an image or some text, upload it directly onto Weebly or use some third-party services.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.