Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Show All Products in a WooCommerce Shortcode?

How Do I Show All Products in a WooCommerce Shortcode?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:40 am

If you’re using the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress, you may want to show all products in a certain category on a single page. This can be accomplished by using a shortcode.

To do this, first create a new page in WordPress and then add the following shortcode to the page:

[product_category category=”category-slug”]

Replace “category-slug” with the slug of the category you want to display. For example, if your category is “Shirts”, the slug would be “shirts”.

Once you’ve added the shortcode, publish the page and view it on your site. You should see a list of all products in the specified category.

You can style the text by adding HTML tags.

How Do I Show All Products in a WooCommerce Shortcode?

If you’re using the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress, you may want to show all products in a certain category on a single page.

[product_category category=”category-slug”]

Replace “category-slug” with the slug of the category you want to display.

Once you’ve added the shortcode, publish the page and view it on your site.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.