Website Building » WordPress » How do I show events in WordPress?

How do I show events in WordPress?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:22 am

In WordPress, you can show events by using the Events API. This API lets you get information about current and past events in your WordPress site.

You can also use the API to create and manage events.

To use the Events API, you first need to register for a developer account at

Once you have registered, you can visit the API documentation to get started.

To show events in WordPress, you first need to get the event ID for the event you want to show. To get the event ID, you can use the get_the_event_ID() function.

The event ID is a unique identifier for an event.

Next, you need to get the details about the event. To get the details, you can use the get_the_event_data() function.

The get_the_event_data() function returns an object containing information about the event, such as the date and time that the event took place, the name of the event, and the event participants.

Finally, you can show the event by using the show_event() function. The show_event() function takes an event ID and a parameter that specifies the location where the event should be displayed.

PRO TIP: The Events Calendar is a popular WordPress plugin that allows you to easily create and manage events on your WordPress site. However, if you are not careful, it can be easy to accidentally show events from other sites in your calendar.

To avoid this, be sure to only add events from sites that you trust. Also, be sure to check the settings of The Events Calendar to make sure that only events from your site are being displayed.

The show_event() function then displays the event details in the WordPress site.

The show_event() function is the easiest way to show events in your WordPress site. However, you can also use the widget API to show events in your WordPress site.

The widget API lets you create custom widgets that display event details. You can also use the widget API to create custom event types.

The widget API is more complex than the show_event() function, but it is also more flexible. You can use the widget API to show events in any location in the WordPress site.

You can also use the widget API to create custom event types.

The final way to show events in your WordPress site is to use the shortcode API. The shortcode API lets you create custom shortcodes that display event details.

You can also use the shortcode API to create custom event types.

The shortcode API is more complex than the widget API and the show_event() function, but it is also more flexible. You can use the shortcode API to show events in any location in the WordPress site.

Overall, the Events API is the easiest way to show events in your WordPress site. However, the widget API is more complex and flexible than the show_event() function.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.