Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Show Product Description in WooCommerce Product Page?

How Do I Show Product Description in WooCommerce Product Page?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 10:39 pm

Product descriptions are important for any eCommerce website. They help inform customers about what they are buying, and can be a great way to persuade them to make a purchase.

However, if you’re using WooCommerce, you may have noticed that the default product page doesn’t include a product description. This can be frustrating, especially if you’ve put a lot of time and effort into writing descriptions for your products.

Fortunately, there is a way to add a product description to the WooCommerce product page. You can do this by editing the code of your theme, or by using a plugin.

If you want to add a product description to the WooCommerce product page without editing code, we recommend using the Product Description Editor plugin. This plugin is easy to use and lets you add descriptions to both simple and variable products.

Once you’ve installed and activated the plugin, go to Products > Description Editor in your WordPress dashboard. From here, you’ll be able to edit the descriptions for all of your products. Just click on the product you want to edit, make your changes, and then click Update.

If you’re comfortable editing code, you can add a product description to the WooCommerce product page by editing your theme’s template files. Specifically, you’ll need to edit the single-product.php template file.

You can access this file by going to Appearance > Editor in your WordPress dashboard. Once here, select the theme you’re currently using from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner. Then, locate the single-product.php template file on the right hand side and click on it to open it in the editor.

Around line 43 of this file, you should see this code:

PRO TIP: Product descriptions are an important part of any WooCommerce product page. They help customers understand what the product is and why they should buy it. However, if they are not properly configured, product descriptions can cause problems with your WooCommerce store.

To avoid these problems, be sure to follow these tips when configuring your product descriptions:

1. Use short and concise descriptions.
2. Do not use too much HTML or other code in your descriptions.
3. Be sure to proofread your descriptions before publishing them.
4. If you are using a third-party plugin or theme to display your product descriptions, double-check that it is compatible with WooCommerce.

following these tips will help ensure that your product descriptions are displayed correctly on your WooCommerce product pages.

Just below this code, you’ll need to add this:

get_description() ) : ?>

get_description() ) ); ?>

Once you’ve added this code and saved your changes, your product descriptions should begin appearing on your WooCommerce product pages! Product descriptions are important for any eCommerce website for many reasons such as helping inform customers about what they are buying or being able to persuade them into making purchase. If using WooCommerce it may be noticed that there is no default option for adding descriptions onto products which can be frustrating .The good news is that there is a way add descriptions by either editing code or by using easy plugins . For example , Product Description Editor plugin allows users easy access adding descriptions both simple and variable products .

After installation , go Products > Description Editor in WordPress dashboard . Here , will be able edit descriptions for all products . Just click on desired product , make changes , and Update . If comfortable with editing code , open Appearance > Editor in WordPress dashboard , select current theme from drop-down menu ,and locate single-product>php template file . Around line 43 of this file , there should be Just below this code , add get_description() ) : ?> ….. Once added and saved , changes should take effect !

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.