Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Target Abandoned Carts on Shopify?

How Do I Target Abandoned Carts on Shopify?

Last updated on January 8, 2023 @ 6:49 am

When a potential customer visits your Shopify store and adds items to their cart, but doesn’t complete the purchase, this is known as an abandoned cart.

There are a number of reasons why a customer may abandon their cart, such as:

  • They were just browsing and not actually intending to buy anything
  • The total cost of the items was more than they were expecting
  • They got distracted and didn’t complete the purchase
  • The checkout process was too long or complicated

Whatever the reason, abandoned carts represent lost sales for your store. But there is good news: you can recover some of these lost sales by Targeting abandoned carts with email campaigns.

How do I Target abandoned carts on Shopify?

1. Use Shopify’s built-in abandoned cart recovery feature

Shopify’s built-in abandoned cart recovery feature makes it easy to send automatic email campaigns to customers who have abandon their carts. To set this up: follow these instructions.

2. Use an app from the Shopify App Store

There are a number of apps available from the Shopify App Store that can help you recover abandoned carts. These apps typically offer more features and customization options than Shopify’s built-in feature. Some popular options include: Abandoned Cart by Jilt, Recover Abandoned Carts by Beeketing, and AbandonAID by Hextom.

PRO TIP: If you are using Shopify to run your online store, it is important to be aware of the potential for abandoned carts. This is when a customer starts to fill their shopping cart on your site but does not complete the purchase. There are a number of reasons why this might happen, such as the customer changing their mind, being distracted, or having technical difficulties.

If you have a lot of abandoned carts, it can impact your business negatively as it means that potential customers are not completing their purchases. It can also be frustrating for you as the store owner as you have put time and effort into attracting these customers to your site only for them to not convert into paying customers.

– Making sure that your site is easy to use and navigate
– Providing clear and concise product information
– Offering customer support in case there are any issues during the checkout process
– Having a strong call to action on your product pages
– Creating urgency by offering discounts or limited time offers

It is also worth considering using an abandoned cart recovery app which can help to recover lost sales and boost your revenue.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.