Website Building » Wix » How Do I Teach Wix?

How Do I Teach Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:59 am

Assuming you would like an article discussing how to teach someone how to use Wix:

Wix is a website builder that allows users to create a website without having to code. It is a drag-and-drop platform that is relatively easy to use.


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However, like with any website builder, there is a learning curve. Here are a few tips on how to teach someone how to use Wix.

1. Start with the basics.

Before you even get into the Wix platform, it is important to make sure your students understand the basics of web design and development. This includes things like HTML, CSS, and web hosting. Once they have a solid understanding of these concepts, then you can move on to teaching them how to use Wix.

2. Use tutorials.

Wix has a lot of great tutorials on their website that can help you teach your students how to use the platform. These tutorials cover topics like creating a website, adding content, and customizing your site. You can also find helpful videos on YouTube.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that Wix is a website builder and not a teaching platform. There is no official Wix curriculum or teaching materials available. Any resources you find online or from third-party providers may not be accurate or up-to-date. Use caution when using any external resources to learn about or teach Wix.

3. Give them time to explore.

Once you’ve gone over the basics and shown your students some tutorials, it’s important to give them time to explore the platform on their own. This will help them get more comfortable with using Wix and figure out what they need to do to create their own website.

4. Be available for questions.

As your students are exploring and working on their own websites, they will likely have questions. Be available to answer their questions and help them troubleshoot any problems they run into.

5. Encourage creativity.

One of the great things about Wix is that it allows for a lot of creativity in website design. Encourage your students to experiment with different features and design elements until they find something that works for them.

Teaching someone how to use Wix can be a great way to introduce them to web design and development concepts. By starting with the basics, using tutorials, and giving your students time to explore, you can set them up for success in creating their own website

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.