Web Development » Fiverr » How Do I Tip Seller on Fiverr?

How Do I Tip Seller on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:00 pm

You’ve found a great gig on Fiverr, and the seller has done an amazing job. Now you want to leave a tip, but you’re not sure how.

First, check to see if the gig description says anything about tips. If the seller has explicitly stated that tips are not accepted, then you should not leave a tip. If the seller has not mentioned anything about tips, then it is up to you to decide whether or not to leave one.

Assuming you’ve decided to leave a tip, the next step is to figure out how much to leave. A good rule of thumb is to tip 10-20% of the gig price, depending on how satisfied you are with the work. So, if the gig you ordered cost $5, you would leave a tip of $0.50-$1.00.

Once you’ve decided on an amount, there are a few different ways to leave a tip on Fiverr:

The first way is to add the tip amount to your initial payment when you place the order. When you get to the checkout page, there will be a box labeled “Add Extra Gig” – simply enter in the amount you wish to tip here, and it will be added to your total.

PRO TIP: If you are considering tipping a seller on Fiverr, be aware that this is not a common practice and you may not receive the quality of service that you are expecting. In addition, be sure to read the seller’s reviews before making a decision to tip, as this will give you a better idea of what to expect.

The second way is to wait until after the work is completed, and then send the seller a Custom Offer for the amount of the tip. To do this, go to My Orders and find the completed order that you wish to tip for.

Next to the order, click “More” and select “Send Custom Offer.” Enter in the amount of the tip in the “Price” field, and include a message letting the seller know that it is a tip for good work. Then click “Send Offer.”

The third way is simply to send the seller a message through Fiverr’s messaging system letting them know that you would like to leave them a tip, and include your PayPal email address or other method of payment. The seller can then send you an invoice for the amount of the tip (plus any applicable fees), which you can pay through PayPal or your preferred method.

Whichever way you choose to leave a tip, make sure that you do so within 14 days of ordering the gig – after that time period has passed, tips can no longer be added or changed.

Tipping sellers on Fiverr is optional, but if you’re satisfied with their work it’s a nice way show your appreciation. Before tipping, make sure that doing so is allowed by checking the gig description – some sellers specifically state that they do not accept tips.

When deciding how much to tip, 10-20% of the gig price is a good guideline. There are three main ways to leave a Fiverr tip: adding it onto your initial payment when ordering the gig; sending a Custom Offer for the amount of the tip after work is completed; or sending a message through Fiverr’s messaging system with your PayPal email address included so that the seller can send you an invoice for payment. Tips must be given within 14 days of ordering the gig – after that time period has passed they can no longer be added or changed.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.