Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Transfer From WooCommerce to Shopify?

How Do I Transfer From WooCommerce to Shopify?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 12:09 am

Are you planning to transfer your WooCommerce store to Shopify? If so, then you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to transfer from WooCommerce to Shopify. We’ll cover everything from exporting your products to transferring your customers and orders. By the end of this article, you’ll have everything you need to know to make a smooth transition from WooCommerce to Shopify.

Before we get started, let’s take a look at why you might want to switch from WooCommerce to Shopify. There are a few key reasons why Shopify is a great platform for ecommerce businesses:

  • Shopify is easy to use. Even if you’re not a tech-savvy person, you’ll be able to set up and manage your store with ease. There’s no need to hire a developer or designer to help you – everything can be done yourself, quickly and easily.
  • Shopify is reliable. When you’re running an online store, you need a platform that you can rely on. With Shopify, you don’t have to worry about your site going down or having any technical issues. It’s a reliable platform that will keep your store running smoothly.
  • Shopify has great features.

    Shopify comes with everything you need to run a successful online store. From powerful marketing tools to built-in payment processing, there’s no shortage of features on this platform.

  • Shopify is scalable. As your business grows, Shopify grows with you. It’s easy to add new products and features as your business expands. You’ll never outgrow Shopify – it’s built to scale with businesses of all sizes.

Now that we’ve covered some of the key reasons why you might want to switch from WooCommerce to Shopify, let’s take a look at how to actually make the transfer. The first step is exporting your products from WooCommerce.

Export Your Products

In order for your products to appear on your new Shopify store, you’ll need to export them from WooCommerce first. To do this, log in to your WooCommerce dashboard and go to Products > Export.

From here, you can choose which product fields you want to export and what format you want the export file in. Once you’ve made your selections, click “Export”. Your products will now be exported as a CSV file.

Tip: If you have a lot of products, it might be helpful to export them into multiple CSV files. This way, you can import them into Shopify one at a time and avoid any potential errors that could occur if you try importing too many products at once.

Import Your Products Into Shopify

Now that your products are exported from WooCommerce, it’s time to import them into Shopify.

To do this, log in to your Shopify dashboard and go to “Products > Import”. From here, click “Choose File”, select the CSV file containing your products, and click “Open”. Once the file has been uploaded, click here for more information on mapping the fields in your CSV file.


Need help importing your products? Click here.

PRO TIP: If you are considering transferring your WooCommerce store to Shopify, there are a few things you should be aware of. First, Shopify is a hosted platform, which means that you will not have access to the server or database that your store is built on. This can make it difficult to transfer your data over, and you may need to hire a developer to help you with the process. Second, Shopify uses a different pricing model than WooCommerce, so you will need to recalculate your prices before making the switch. Finally, Shopify has a different set of features than WooCommerce, so you will need to decide if the trade-offs are worth it for your business.


Transfer Your Customers & Orders


The next step in transferring from WooCommerce over tooShopifys is too import all customers & orders as well! If customers already exist on both platforms with the same email address – their accounts will be merged automatically!

If not – when an order is placed on either platform for that customer – their accounts will also be merged automatically! If there are any issues with merging accounts – please contact for assistance!


In order too import customers & orders – export them fromWooCommerces “Orders” page (found under “WooCommerce > Orders”). Then go too “Shopfiy Admin >Settings > Checkout > Order Processing”, and under “After an order has been paid”, select “Updatestatusto Processing”.

This will allow orders too import without any errors!.


After uploadingthe CSV file too “Orders” page found under “WooCommercesettings”, map outthe following columns: “.

  1. Customer Note – Addressee
  2. .

  3. Email Address
  4. .

  5. First Name
  6. .

  7. Last Name
  8. .

  9. Order Date
  10. .

  11. Order Status total Price line Item name line Item sku line Item price line Item quantity purchased . % Li > . % Ol > . % P align = ” justified ” > After mapping out these columns , ensure that the box next too ” Send notify customer ? ” Is checked off before hitting import ! This way , customers will receive an email notification letting them know their order has been placed !

    % P align = ” justified ” > That ‘ s it ! You ‘ ve now transferred everything over from WooCommercetoShopfiy ! If there are any issues or questions along the way , please feel free togetin touchwith us at support@shopfiy . com . Thanks for reading !

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.