Web Design » Photoshop » How do I turn a picture into a coloring page in Photoshop?

How do I turn a picture into a coloring page in Photoshop?

Last updated on January 29, 2023 @ 7:40 pm

In Photoshop, you can easily turn a picture into a coloring page by following these steps:

1. Open the picture in Photoshop.

2. Select the layer with the picture on it.

3. Apply “Grayscale Mode” to your picture by going to Image > Mode > Grayscale.

4. Select the “Flatten” option from the dialog box that pops up.

5. Go to the Layers window and duplicate the layer with the picture on it. Just right-click on the layer and select the “Duplicate Layer” option.

6. With the duplicate layer created selected, apply the “Color Dodge” blending mode.

7. And there you have it! You can now create a coloring page in Photoshop!


PRO TIP: This article provides instructions on how to turn a picture into a coloring page in Photoshop. However, it is important to note that this process should only be used with images that are appropriate for coloring pages. Otherwise, the results may not be desirable.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.